Deprecated: Function add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; FBCRC_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 192

Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the jquery handle. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 132

Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 242

Notice: Undefined index: fbCommentCount in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 261

Notice: Undefined index: combineCommentCounts in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 265

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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 758

Warning: Use of undefined constant ddsg_language - assumed 'ddsg_language' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 44

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in FBCRC_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
10 Km/Jam | The Satrianto Show: Beraksi Kembali! – Diary of Anindito Baskoro Satrianto

10 Km/Jam

10 kilometer per jam

Ada yang pernah motoran atau mobilan dengan kecepatan stabil di 10 km/jam di sepanjang Boulevard UGM?

Ada? Bisa? Yang bener?

Kayaknya rambu lalu-lintas nan tidak logis kayak di atas itu sudah saatnya dilenyapkan dari muka bumi pertiwi ini!

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 75

Notice: Undefined index: includeFbJsOldWay in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 107

Facebook comments:

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 178

Notice: Undefined index: hideFbLikeButton in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 179

Notice: Undefined index: faces in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 184

Notice: Undefined index: v1plusv2 in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 194

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 58


  • dino |

    pernah denger ceritane pak pras, dia bilang ‘saya itu pernah tanya sama orang pusat soal rambu kecepatan yg 10kph itu, ‘apa ya bisa motoran dengan kecepatan 10kph?’ trus dianya bilang, ‘klo njenengan ga bisa motoran dengan kecepatan 10kph ya jalan kaki saja’ …’

    jan bukan jawabane orang yg well educated tenan.

  • septo |

    bisa juga beralasan kita salah logika sewaktu melihat rambu dan mengartikannya, misal, rambu itu berarti tidak boleh jalan dengan kecepatan 10 km/jam, jadi kudu lebih kenceng dari itu, πŸ˜›

  • Parus |

    eh Joe, be-te-wei itu kan ga ada tulisan “/Jam” nya to..?? Jadi boleh donk kita artika “10 KM/menit”, atau bahkan “10 KM/detik”… πŸ˜€

  • paris |

    @Parus : dari jaman SD di ajarin rambu2 lalu lintas yg kayak gitu itu artinya juga 10km/jam , mana ada 10 km/menit -_-a …

  • Agro |

    Masih ada tempat buat ngepilox angka 0 tambahan di bawah string “km”-nya

    UGM udah goes open source toh? Kalau ada yg ga bener langsung dimodifikasi aja…

  • vcrack |

    wis tak itung jong.. klo 10km/jam

    berarti 166.6666667 m/menit
    berarti 2.77778 m/detik


  • Yang Punya Diary |

    koen pas esde mesti mbolosan, sep πŸ˜›

    yak, sudah dijawab sama oom paris itu

    endonesa memang penuh hal2 yang menyesatkan

    siap, gro! sebagai penghormatan atas idemu, nanti ta’tulisin namamu juga buat credit di rambu yang ta’pylox πŸ˜†

    yak! saya perintahkan kamu untuk segera melaksanakan, chiell! apa gunanya aku jadi seniormu kalo tiada bisa mendelegasikan tugas?

    jadi piye? ndak logis tho disuruh motoran kayak gitu

    apalagi secara praktek :mrgreen:

  • morishige |

    hehe.. mana ada, bro.
    kalah dong ntar sama kuda2 kecil yang sering nongkrong waktu sunmor.. :mrgreen:

    btw di teknika utara selatan MM juga ada rambu2 batas kecepatan lho keknya. 30 km/jam… juga gak ada yang mematuhi..

    mending tak pajang wae nang kamarku.. :mrgreen:

  • adi |

    halah. iku paling artine panjang jalan = 10 KM. ojo grusa grusu jo nek mengartikan rambu2

So, what do you think?