Deprecated: Function add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; FBCRC_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 192

Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the jquery handle. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 132

Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 242

Notice: Undefined index: fbCommentCount in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 261

Notice: Undefined index: combineCommentCounts in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 265

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 715

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 758

Warning: Use of undefined constant ddsg_language - assumed 'ddsg_language' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 44

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in FBCRC_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
3477 | The Satrianto Show: Beraksi Kembali! – Diary of Anindito Baskoro Satrianto


Baru lewat beberapa detik (sumpah! Beberapa detik!) ketika aku memutuskan buat bikin postingan ini.

Ceritanya aku baru dapat SMS dari 3477 di hapeku. Isinya demikian kucantumkan di bawah ini:

Dukung tim jagoanmu di
Eropa, Ikuti quiznya &
menangkan TV 42inch,
2 laptop, 5 ponsel &
jutaan pulsa 3. Ketik
REG GB ke 3477
(Rp 1000/sms)



Coba liat waktu pengirimannya. “Eropa” itu maksudnya Piala Eropa alias Euro 2008, ya? Wah, kalo gitu aku dukung Spanyol aja, dah :mrgreen:

Geblek juga provider yang kupake itu 😈 Kusarankan, lain kali liat-liat kalender dulu sebelum ngirim.

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 75

Notice: Undefined index: includeFbJsOldWay in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 107

Facebook comments:

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 178

Notice: Undefined index: hideFbLikeButton in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 179

Notice: Undefined index: faces in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 184

Notice: Undefined index: v1plusv2 in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 194

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 58


  • kudzi |

    “Dukung tim jagoanmu di
    Eropa, ”

    Lha kalo maksudnya kata ‘eropa’ itu adalah tim – tim di negara – negara eropa gimana ? kan bukan euro2008 maksudnya ?

    Salah kira kali kamu joe.. :-p

  • chriz |

    Sapa tau disuruh nebak yang duduk di klasemen pertama Serie A, Premiere League, atau Eredivisie musim depan. Kan masih Eropa juga to? πŸ˜€

  • yudi |

    kamsudnya dukung tim jagoanmu di eropa, trus ikutin kuis tak tik boom di TVRI. gitu aja ko repot :mrgreen:

  • wira |

    ketik REG spasi WETON
    ketik REG spasi NASIB
    ketik REG spasi RAMAL
    ketik REG spasi DST….

    kakakaka… entah saya yg goblok atau dunia yang emang semakin edan..

  • Yang Punya Diary |

    ohohoho, sebuah strategi marketing yang aseek. memanfaatkan kepolosan pelanggan πŸ˜€

    kudzi, chriz:::
    iya juga ya. aku mau ngirim buat liverpool kalo gitu πŸ˜›

    habis itu juga langsung saya delete kok, pak πŸ™‚

    ikut2! sampeyan pegang somalia aja, kakaka

    bagus itu. kenapa ndak berpacu dalam melodi aja sekalian?

    sepertinya ente yang goblok :mrgreen:

    iya. sampe 1 bulan gitu

    ini sedang tergoda sama gsm yang baik, kang

  • lambrtz |

    [ad hominem]

    Wah, kalo gitu aku dukung Spanyol aja, dah

    Perancis -> Turki –> Spanyol…
    Suatu bukti yang nyata, betapa tidak setianya si joe ini.

    [/ad hominem]

    *peace V^_^*

  • sora9n |

    Coba liat waktu pengirimannya. β€œEropa” itu maksudnya Piala Eropa alias Euro 2008, ya?

    Mungkin maksudnya liga sepakbola Eropa, masbro… πŸ˜›

    *telat amat kalo ngomongin Euro?* (o_0)”\

  • adarra |

    ingin masuk ke dunia hitam?
    ketik reg spasi joe…. ha h ah ah

  • suryadi |

    bagaimana berhenti dari kuis padahal aku sudah unreg …. ke 3477 tapi tidak bisa ? sdh call 021 25530198 tp gak diangkat tuh,setiap hari 5 x sms pulsa/Rp.1000 bisa bangkrut dong, tolooooong,

  • FelixErik13B |

    Help me!!…aku terjebak layanan sialan dari 3477 untuk 3cellular..siapa yg tau cara nyetopnya tolong aku!..aku udah dihisap abis pulsa dari 15,000 ampe jadi 300 dalam 1 hari!…brengsek loe 3477!! gak ngasih keterangan apa2 tentang udah berlangganan dan cara berhentinya! telpon juga ga diangkat!..bangkrut aja loe 3477!!!!sudah menelpon ke 021-25530198 Gak diangkat juga!Telpon 3care juga ga bertanggungjawab!..katanya itu bukan urusan 3!…telpon aja 3477 nya!…

So, what do you think?