Deprecated: Function add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; FBCRC_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 192

Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the jquery handle. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 132

Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 242

Notice: Undefined index: fbCommentCount in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 261

Notice: Undefined index: combineCommentCounts in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 265

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 715

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 758

Warning: Use of undefined constant ddsg_language - assumed 'ddsg_language' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 44

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in FBCRC_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Manten Muda | The Satrianto Show: Beraksi Kembali! – Diary of Anindito Baskoro Satrianto

Manten Muda

Setting: lagi mecah celengan gambar Transformers punyaku dan mendapatkan harta sebesar Rp. 1.316.100 sehabis Lebaran di rumah Babah di Jakarta coret alias Ciputat.

Pelakon: Mamakku, adikku, dan tentu saja aku.

Pas lagi ngitung duit entah kenapa pembicaraan jadi melenceng ke masalah sumbangan amplop yang diterima adikku pas dia nikah tahun lalu. Mamak tau-tau berujar, tentang beberapa amplop kosong yang diterima pas mantenan adikku.

Adikku nambahin, “Ada juga yang cuma ngasih 2 ribu. Paling-paling itu model penyusup mantenan kayak kamu dulu.”

Aku nyengir. Teringat masa muda pas jaman mahasiswa di mana dulu aku lumayan aktif saban malam Minggu nyari gedung mantenan yang bisa disinggahi, menyamar jadi tamu, bermodal amplop berisi duit seribu, demi makan gratis sepuasnya.

Obrolan berlanjut. Masih seputar sumbangan mantenan. Kata adikku, “Mantenan di sini aja. Makanya cari istri orang Jakarta (bah, ini, sih, kode dari adikku biar aku balikan sama mantan calon kakak ipar favoritnya, -red.), biar amplop sumbangannya nggak kayak di Jokja.”

“Memangnya di sini berapa standar sumbangan manten?” tanyaku.

“Sekitar 150 sampai 200 ribu. Kalo di Jokja paling-paling cuma 50 ribu, kan?”

Alhasil aku jadi bersyukur. Bersyukur tetap berstatus single sampai sekarang.

Kenapa aku bersyukur?

Aku bersyukur karena teman-teman kuliahku banyak yang sekarang merantau ke Jakarta dan mulai sukses di sana. Coba saja aku nikahnya sudah dari dulu-dulu begitu lulus kuliah, atau pas masih mahasiswa dengan gadis Purbalingga, saat teman-temanku masih sama-sama jadi mahasiswa kere, pastilah amplop sumbangan mereka didapat dari hasil urunan 5 ribu per orang πŸ˜†

Dengan begini bolehlah aku berharap kalo besok aku nikah, teman-temanku yang kuundang bakal menyumbang Rp. 200.000 per orang :mrgreen:

Inilah untungnya ndak manten muda? Ahe, silakan disimpulkan sendiri saja ya πŸ˜‰ Yang jelas sekarang aku punya tambahan argumen lagi kalo besok ditanya-tanya (lagi) kapan mau nikah: “Nunggu teman-teman saya jadi orang sukses dulu, Pakdhe, Budhe, Oom, Tante…”

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 75

Notice: Undefined index: includeFbJsOldWay in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 107

Facebook comments:

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 178

Notice: Undefined index: hideFbLikeButton in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 179

Notice: Undefined index: faces in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 184

Notice: Undefined index: v1plusv2 in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 194

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 58


So, what do you think?