Deprecated: Function add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; FBCRC_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-recentcomments.php on line 192

Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. This notice was triggered by the jquery handle. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114

Notice: Undefined index: hideWpComments in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 132

Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 242

Notice: Undefined index: fbCommentCount in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 261

Notice: Undefined index: combineCommentCounts in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments.php on line 265

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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 758

Warning: Use of undefined constant ddsg_language - assumed 'ddsg_language' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/sitemap-generator/sitemap-generator.php on line 44

Deprecated: The called constructor method for WP_Widget class in FBCRC_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
Silly Javascript | The Satrianto Show: Beraksi Kembali! – Diary of Anindito Baskoro Satrianto

Silly Javascript

Pengumuman! Berbahaya buat yang nggak bisa Javascript. Bisa mengganggu pencernaan alias sulit dicerna.

Obrolan dengan Gentho hari Sabtu kemarin. Pertamanya aku ngajak dia ke Pasar Raya FKY tapi dia nggak mau, dan bergulirlah sebuah kisah…sah…sah…sah…

(1:39:17 PM) holmes_gw: elek kok

(1:39:25 PM) morgan_cupids: nggolek barang2 langka
(1:39:34 PM) morgan_cupids: nggolek umbul sing gambar wayang

(1:39:58 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:40:02 PM) holmes_gw: paling wis do kukut
(1:40:06 PM) holmes_gw: wis sepi

(1:40:10 PM) morgan_cupids: hiyo po?
(1:40:13 PM) morgan_cupids: badala…
(1:40:28 PM) morgan_cupids: rapopo

(1:40:35 PM) holmes_gw: iyolah

(1:40:38 PM) morgan_cupids: sopo ngerti ketemu wadon ayu sing iso dijak khilaf

(1:40:47 PM) holmes_gw: mgg2 trakhir mesti sepi
(1:40:59 PM) holmes_gw: wingi pas ono lomba dencer kon ra teko

(1:41:18 PM) morgan_cupids: aku suibuk pas kui

(1:41:26 PM) holmes_gw: huuu
(1:41:28 PM) holmes_gw: padahal
(1:41:30 PM) holmes_gw: mantab
(1:41:45 PM) holmes_gw: mana ono sing nganggo cawet siji tok

(1:42:01 PM) morgan_cupids: yo mosok arep nganggo cawet 3?
(1:42:08 PM) morgan_cupids: panas bol

(1:42:10 PM) holmes_gw: lha makane

(1:42:10 PM) morgan_cupids: kemringet
(1:42:13 PM) morgan_cupids: marai mambu

(1:42:21 PM) holmes_gw: emange pingkan mambu

(1:42:25 PM) morgan_cupids: lembab dan rentan jamur

(1:42:38 PM) holmes_gw: jamur kuning
(1:43:09 PM) holmes_gw: eh, jon
(1:43:22 PM) holmes_gw: kok kowe invicible

(1:43:44 PM) morgan_cupids: ono wadon sing ngoyak2 aku lagi ol
(1:43:49 PM) morgan_cupids: moh aku
(1:43:52 PM) morgan_cupids: gilo suwe2

(1:43:54 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:43:58 PM) holmes_gw: pangan
(1:44:00 PM) holmes_gw: kuwi

(1:44:07 PM) morgan_cupids: jane manis sih
(1:44:10 PM) morgan_cupids: tokete gede

(1:44:12 PM) holmes_gw: trus

(1:44:17 PM) morgan_cupids: tapi suwi2 kok malah gilo akune

(1:44:25 PM) holmes_gw: walah
(1:44:27 PM) holmes_gw: goblok

(1:44:41 PM) morgan_cupids: resiko blogger ngetop

(1:44:51 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:45:30 PM) holmes_gw: mau mbengi malah akeh seksi denser juga
(1:45:34 PM) holmes_gw: tapi mbayar

(1:45:37 PM) morgan_cupids: bah…

(1:45:41 PM) holmes_gw: dadi aku ra ngandani kowe

(1:45:54 PM) morgan_cupids: aku malah kemrungsung ngurusi m*l*

(1:46:00 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:46:05 PM) holmes_gw: piye bocahe

(1:46:06 PM) morgan_cupids: ngeterke nggolek tiket karo angkut2 barang

(1:46:28 PM) holmes_gw: lho, kowe dadi kacunge
(1:46:30 PM) holmes_gw: ??

(1:46:35 PM) morgan_cupids: hooh
(1:46:37 PM) morgan_cupids: πŸ˜€

(1:46:50 PM) holmes_gw: hihi…:D
(1:46:56 PM) holmes_gw: eh, jon

(1:46:58 PM) morgan_cupids: ra popo
(1:47:04 PM) morgan_cupids: bocahe nek boncengan kan nyender2
(1:47:07 PM) morgan_cupids: kroso sitik

(1:47:13 PM) holmes_gw: waaaaaaa

(1:47:14 PM) morgan_cupids: mbangane mboncengke ar*n math

(1:47:16 PM) holmes_gw: penak nooo

(1:47:21 PM) morgan_cupids: =))

(1:47:24 PM) holmes_gw: huahaha
(1:47:29 PM) holmes_gw: papan cucian

(1:47:36 PM) morgan_cupids: kekekekeke
(1:47:40 PM) morgan_cupids: ta’kandakke ar*n lho

(1:48:09 PM) holmes_gw: kan kowe sing ngowong

(1:48:24 PM) morgan_cupids: kan aku ra ngomong papan cucian
(1:48:25 PM) morgan_cupids: πŸ˜€

(1:48:41 PM) holmes_gw: kan kowe sing marai

(1:48:44 PM) morgan_cupids: aku mung ngomong mending mboncengke m*l* mbangane ar*n
(1:48:48 PM) morgan_cupids: :))

(1:50:10 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:50:12 PM) holmes_gw: eh
(1:50:16 PM) holmes_gw: jon

(1:50:22 PM) morgan_cupids: opo?

(1:50:25 PM) holmes_gw: idwebmu paket opo??

(1:50:30 PM) morgan_cupids: semipro
(1:50:36 PM) morgan_cupids: mending hosting neng rumahweb wae tho
(1:50:44 PM) morgan_cupids: iki servere id server us soale
(1:50:46 PM) morgan_cupids: ra iix
(1:51:01 PM) morgan_cupids: regone yo murah rumahweb

(Ini sebenernya termasuk kategori “konon”. Jadi mending dicek sendiri aja. Jangan langsung percaya sama apa yang kutulis. Siapa tau aku lagi nulis berita bohong dan cenderung mengandung fitnah πŸ˜› )

(1:51:10 PM) holmes_gw: ooo
(1:51:12 PM) holmes_gw: ngono

(1:51:15 PM) morgan_cupids: iyo

(1:51:29 PM) holmes_gw: emang servere neng ndi
(1:51:32 PM) holmes_gw: jakarta??

(1:51:39 PM) morgan_cupids: mbuh aku
(1:51:47 PM) morgan_cupids: ketoke neng jkt sih

(1:52:07 PM) holmes_gw: hooo

(1:52:12 PM) morgan_cupids: kantinmilan yo meh ta’pindah neng rumahweb

(1:52:40 PM) holmes_gw: ngopo??
(1:52:45 PM) holmes_gw: lambat?

(1:52:52 PM) morgan_cupids: dawndown2 terus

(1:53:01 PM) holmes_gw: ho oh
(1:53:05 PM) holmes_gw: bener kuwi
(1:53:11 PM) holmes_gw: dong sok ra iso
(1:53:20 PM) holmes_gw: barang

(1:53:24 PM) morgan_cupids: makane
(1:53:28 PM) morgan_cupids: meh ta’pindah
(1:53:34 PM) morgan_cupids: ra penak karo membere
(1:53:37 PM) morgan_cupids: siyal
(1:53:41 PM) morgan_cupids: aku kudu korban duit
(1:53:43 PM) morgan_cupids: πŸ˜€

(1:53:47 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(1:53:55 PM) holmes_gw: membere kon mbayar

(1:54:44 PM) morgan_cupids: koen mbayar nek ngunu

(1:55:18 PM) holmes_gw: hah?
(1:55:20 PM) holmes_gw: maksude
(1:55:21 PM) holmes_gw: ?

(1:55:27 PM) morgan_cupids: jarene membere kon mbayar

(1:55:40 PM) holmes_gw: trus?
(1:55:49 PM) holmes_gw: aku mbayar?
(1:55:52 PM) holmes_gw: oke

(1:55:54 PM) morgan_cupids: ta’nggo mbayar rumahweb

(1:55:55 PM) holmes_gw: gampang

(1:55:55 PM) morgan_cupids: πŸ˜›
(1:56:01 PM) morgan_cupids: malah misuh

(1:56:05 PM) holmes_gw: piro toh?

(1:56:05 PM) morgan_cupids: kampang kampang
(1:56:12 PM) morgan_cupids: 285ewu
(1:56:13 PM) morgan_cupids: πŸ˜€

(1:56:17 PM) holmes_gw: toh

(1:56:21 PM) morgan_cupids: karo ongkos transfer domain

(1:56:28 PM) holmes_gw: tak ewangi 85 ewu ne

(1:56:40 PM) morgan_cupids: wakakakakakaka
(1:57:23 PM) morgan_cupids: sesuk nganggur ra?

(1:57:34 PM) holmes_gw: aku ra iso

(1:57:35 PM) morgan_cupids: bar nonton surip kancani nggolek kantore rumahweb

(1:57:38 PM) holmes_gw: slasa isane

(1:57:38 PM) morgan_cupids: beuuuuu

(1:57:47 PM) holmes_gw: aku ono latian
(1:57:52 PM) holmes_gw: lagi sibuk kie

(1:57:53 PM) morgan_cupids: awan bol

(1:58:02 PM) holmes_gw: yo ketuk awan

(1:58:05 PM) morgan_cupids: ooo
(1:58:07 PM) morgan_cupids: yo wis

(1:58:30 PM) holmes_gw: piye\
(1:58:32 PM) holmes_gw: ??
(1:58:34 PM) holmes_gw: slasa??

(1:58:39 PM) morgan_cupids: yo wis

(1:59:05 PM) holmes_gw: slasa?

(1:59:09 PM) morgan_cupids: yoh

(1:59:23 PM) holmes_gw: slasa>
(1:59:25 PM) holmes_gw: ?

(1:59:29 PM) morgan_cupids: iyo

(1:59:47 PM) holmes_gw: slasa?

(2:00:04 PM) morgan_cupids: jangkrik koen

(2:00:15 PM) holmes_gw: slasa toh?

(2:00:18 PM) morgan_cupids: iyo
(2:00:22 PM) morgan_cupids: eh, dudu
(2:00:26 PM) morgan_cupids: dudu slasa
(2:00:30 PM) morgan_cupids: tapi slasa wae

(2:00:30 PM) holmes_gw: aku isone slasa kie

(2:00:38 PM) morgan_cupids: ojo slasa
(2:00:41 PM) morgan_cupids: slasa wae

(2:01:01 PM) holmes_gw: tapi plg penak yo slasa

(2:01:10 PM) morgan_cupids: nek slasa aku sing ra iso

(2:01:17 PM) holmes_gw: podo no

(2:01:18 PM) morgan_cupids: aku isone slasa, soale

(2:01:26 PM) holmes_gw: aku yo isone slasa

(2:01:33 PM) morgan_cupids: lha piye iki
(2:01:38 PM) morgan_cupids: ra sinkron berarti
(2:01:43 PM) morgan_cupids: soale aku isone slasa

(2:01:44 PM) holmes_gw: slasa
(2:01:53 PM) holmes_gw: yo wis slasa

(2:01:59 PM) morgan_cupids: yoh
(2:02:08 PM) morgan_cupids: nek ngene kan setimpal

(2:02:29 PM) holmes_gw: dadine slasa yo

(2:03:03 PM) morgan_cupids: yo

(2:03:11 PM) holmes_gw: sip
(2:03:23 PM) holmes_gw: eh, jon
(2:03:33 PM) holmes_gw: duwe lagune sisnten remen ra??

(2:03:38 PM) morgan_cupids: sinten mas?

(2:04:04 PM) holmes_gw: ho ho
(2:04:08 PM) holmes_gw: sinten remen

(2:04:16 PM) morgan_cupids: sinten sing remen lagu?
(2:04:21 PM) morgan_cupids: lagune sinten?

(2:04:27 PM) holmes_gw: sinten remen

(2:04:29 PM) morgan_cupids: nek ngomong sing cetho
(2:04:38 PM) morgan_cupids: lha nggih sinten?

(2:04:44 PM) holmes_gw: remen

(2:04:51 PM) morgan_cupids: remen punopo?

(2:05:00 PM) holmes_gw: remen sinten

(2:05:30 PM) morgan_cupids: remen kalihan sinten?
(2:05:32 PM) morgan_cupids: ar*n?
(2:05:35 PM) morgan_cupids: =))

(2:05:43 PM) holmes_gw: gundulmu kuwi
(2:05:46 PM) holmes_gw: sinten remen

(2:05:48 PM) morgan_cupids: :))
(2:05:52 PM) morgan_cupids: ra nduwe

(2:05:59 PM) holmes_gw: ah, elek kon

(2:06:15 PM) morgan_cupids: aku malah nggolek lagune sujud sutrisno

(2:06:15 PM) holmes_gw: ora sip
(2:06:28 PM) holmes_gw: sujud kendang kuwi po??

(2:06:52 PM) morgan_cupids: iyo

(2:07:00 PM) holmes_gw: aku nduwe
(2:07:06 PM) holmes_gw: nduwe potone

(2:07:12 PM) morgan_cupids: ra butuh

(2:07:23 PM) holmes_gw: hooo

(2:07:25 PM) morgan_cupids: mending fotone af*f*h

(2:07:32 PM) holmes_gw: ar*n?

(2:07:38 PM) morgan_cupids: af*f*h
(2:07:41 PM) morgan_cupids: kok malah ar*n?
(2:07:48 PM) morgan_cupids: kowe butuh fotone ar*n?

(2:07:49 PM) holmes_gw: af*f*hr*n?

(2:07:51 PM) morgan_cupids: aku nduwe

(2:08:01 PM) holmes_gw: aku yo nduwe

(2:08:09 PM) morgan_cupids: yo wis
(2:08:20 PM) morgan_cupids: nek podo2 nduwe, brarti saiki nggolek fotone af*f*h wae

(2:08:23 PM) holmes_gw: haha
(2:08:29 PM) holmes_gw: adinda kita

(2:09:16 PM) morgan_cupids: ta’posting wae ah pembicaraane πŸ˜€
(2:09:19 PM) morgan_cupids: ben diwoco ar*n
(2:09:21 PM) morgan_cupids: =))

(2:09:42 PM) holmes_gw: huahahaha=))=))

Betul-betul obrolan tanpa makna… πŸ˜€

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 75

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Facebook comments:

Notice: Undefined index: darkSite in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 178

Notice: Undefined index: hideFbLikeButton in /home/satchd01/public_html/diary/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-display.php on line 179

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  • Yang Punya Diary |

    lho, itu ttg aron, kok. bukan arin πŸ˜›

    tentu saja. begitulah kalo 1 orang pintar dan 1 orang tidak terlalu pintar lagi ngobrol πŸ˜†

    latian sana…latian…sebelum ke probolinggo 😈

    lho, padahal menurutku karakter di atas itu malah java banget, lho, hohoho

  • antown |

    kudu ngguyu ndelok halaman depan web ini, “ganteng tapi banyak utang” hehehehe…..

    piss ya mas!!
    salam buat distro (dian sastro)

  • Yang Punya Diary |

    eee…saya ndak seteres. yang seteres gentho. saya cuma nemenin dia aja

    yang punya
    ojo ge-er tur ngaku2, ndut. bojomu kan sing versi ilkomp. sing ta’omongke neng nduwur kae sing versi math, kok…hahaha!

    mmm…pelan2 utang2 itu saya lunasi kok πŸ˜€
    yayaya, nanti salamnya ta’sampein

    *dek diaaaaan…ini lho ada salam dari temennya mas*

    nah, udah kan?

  • kudzi |

    Bagaimana joe? masih mau minjem Hard Diskku yang isinya foto – fotonya adek ku itu ?

    Ada uang ada foto πŸ˜›

  • Yang Punya Diary |

    adek dari hongkong? ngaku2 aja…
    ta’kasi tau, ji, afifah itu bukan dari hongkong, tapi dari sukoharjo πŸ˜†

  • kudzi |

    Iya doonk,,,, kan ane pemandunya joe, memandu biar jauh – jauh dari kamu…
    wahahahahahhaha….. πŸ˜€
    Tak kasih tahu joe,, ntar kamu diserempet FIZ-R, Motor Yamaha Alfa mu ntar gak kuat diserempet nanti…

So, what do you think?